CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Installation * Related Issues * Notes * Todo INTRODUCTION ------------ The 'Views URL alias' module allows views to be filtered by path aliases. This module is useful if your website uses heirachical paths. It allows you to filter and sort a view by URL aliases. When combined with the Views bulk operation (VBO) module ( you can apply operations to a specific section of your website based on a URL alias. Currently, only node aliases are supported. INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Copy/upload the view_url_alias_node.module to the modules directory of your Drupal installation. 2. Enable the 'Views URL alias {type}' module in 'Modules'. (admin/modules) 3. Create or view and select 'URL alias' for the field or filter NOTES ----- - This module creates and maintains separate 'views_url_alias_{type}' tables to provide clean and fast joins between the primary {type} table and its url aliases. TODO ---- - Support multiple path alias languages, which I have no experience doing. - Add support for taxonomy terms, users, etc URL aliases. AUTHOR/MAINTAINER ----------------- - Jacob Rockowitz - Kyay Rindlisbacher