{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation for the Slick carousel template. * * This template holds 3 displays: main, thumbnail and overlay slicks in one. * Arrows are enforced, but toggled by JS accordingly. This allows responsive * object to enable and disable it as needed without losing context. * * Available variables: * - items: The array of items containing main image/video/audio, optional * image/video/audio overlay and captions, and optional thumbnail * texts/images. * - settings: A cherry-picked settings that mostly defines the slide HTML or * layout, and none of JS settings/options which are defined at data-slick. * - attributes: The array of attributes to hold the main container classes, id. * - content_attributes: The array of attributes to hold optional RTL, id and * data-slick containing JSON object aka JS settings the Slick expects to * override default options. We don't store these JS settings in the normal *
, but inline within data-slick attribute instead. * * Debug: * @see https://www.drupal.org/node/1906780 * @see https://www.drupal.org/node/1903374 * Use Kint: {{ kint(variable) }} * Dump all available variables and their contents: {{ dump() }} * Dump only the available variable keys: {{ dump(_context|keys) }} */ #} {% set classes = [ 'slick', settings.unslick ? 'unslick', display == 'main' and settings.blazy ? 'blazy', settings.vertical ? 'slick--vertical', settings.attributes.class ? settings.attributes.class|join(' '), settings.skin ? 'slick--skin--' ~ settings.skin|clean_class, 'boxed' in settings.skin ? 'slick--skin--boxed', 'split' in settings.skin ? 'slick--skin--split', settings.optionset ? 'slick--optionset--' ~ settings.optionset|clean_class, arrow_down_attributes is defined ? 'slick--has-arrow-down', settings.asNavFor ? 'slick--' ~ display|clean_class, settings.slidesToShow > 1 ? 'slick--multiple-view', settings.count <= settings.slidesToShow ? 'slick--less', display == 'main' and settings.media_switch ? 'slick--' ~ settings.media_switch|clean_class, display == 'thumbnail' and settings.thumbnail_caption ? 'slick--has-caption' ] %} {% set arrow_classes = [ 'slick__arrow', settings.vertical ? 'slick__arrow--v', settings.skin_arrows ? 'slick__arrow--' ~ settings.skin_arrows|clean_class ] %}